Terms Of Service

The following are the Terms of Service for eSportsBettingWebsites.com, also refered to as “the/this/our website”:

  • eSportsBettingWebsites.com is not to be considered liable under any circumstances for loss or damage as a result of relying on the information contained anywhere on this website.
  • Our website provides only information. Nothing on our website is intended to form the basis of decision or to be considered as an invitation to bet/gamble. We do not offer real money betting.
  • We may be affiliated with the bookmakers that we list on this website.
  • Please consider that gambling for real money is risky and you should never risk more money then you can afford to lose.
  • We list eSports bookmakers that accept US based clients but have in mind that it is your responsibility to read carefully these websites’ terms and conditions.
  • NOTHING on our website should be construed as an invitation to go bet at the bookmakers.
  • Although we make the upmost effort to keep the information on this website accurate we cannot guarantee that the offers as displayed on our site are 100% up to date.

eSportsBettingWebsites.com reserves the right to make changes and corrections, at any time and without prior notice, including without limitation, to its website and the information contained therein, its services and its contents, including these Terms of Service.
All future changes and corrections will be listed on this page, so it remains your obligation to check periodically for such updates.

Your continuous use of this website is considered an acceptance of these Terms of Service on your part.

If you do not agree with our terms of service do not use our service/website.